Nutritious Food

Muse and Amuse with Yoga and Music Everyday apart from 21 of June

Yoga with right breathing brings Bliss and Beauty to each of us from within,
You can say good bye to BB creams and lotions 😉
How ?
Make up your Mind for Mindful Yoga and Music and Not Mac Makeup

Why to do Yoga?
Well firstly its your choice and your body ! On a lighter note 🙂

When we jump into deeper aspects of understanding Yoga, it is not mere fixing oneself in yogic postures, its much beyond the physical flexibility and endurance and when you take up Yoga on a serious note,

Regular (Nitya) Mantra Japa(chanting) of Omkara in Meditative Posture (Dhayana Mudra) helps one to attain Knowledge (Gyana), Wisdom (Pragnya) to rightfully make use of the knowledge and harness Prana (Soul) !

One can revive the nature(Prakruti) one is born with, by Love and Devotion(Bhakti) towards his Teacher (Guru),

Through Practice(Sadhana) , Glow/ Perseverance (Tapas) with power(Shakti) and breathing extensions (pranayam) and being truthful (Satya) to attain Vitality (Ojas), Bliss (Ananda), and freedom (Mukti) from ignorance (Avidya).

To attain a state of “truth, consciousness, bliss”(Satya, chitta/ consciousness of mind and Ananda) ! Satchitananda!

21 Jun is World Yoga Day and World Music day as well

Play your mindful music for a joyful experience towards pink of Health !